This is a collection of the collaborative compositions of Paul Arnold and Andrew Barnabas aka Bob and Barn.
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Kickass Trailer
Brilliant off-key variation on the Superhero genre written and directed by Brits but set firmly in the US.
EE Cinematic Ads – Goats
The 3rd of 3 adverts for ‘EE’, Telecom giant, all following the pattern of pastiching well known YouTube clips…
My Brother is a Dog – Won’t Go Outside
An amusing moment from My Brother is a Dog where Tobby the dog / brother won’t go to the toilet outside, preferring instead to use the toilet in the house, much to the amazement of Granny Gerde.
Written for Universal’s Create 03 production music album, it’s had a lot of usage worldwide including The One Show and Sky Sports.
Neverwinter Nights 2 – Beach
This cue is for the Beach level in Neverwinter Nights 2, The Storm of Zehir and has an oscillating string pattern to hint at the movement of waves.
MediEvil – End Credits
We always love writing a bit of credits music – the calm after the storm, so-to-speak.
My Brother is a Dog – Unconditional Love
A tender moment between Marietta and her brother / dog!
Neverwinter Nights 2 – Plains
A surprisingly light and jovial piece for a game entitled Neverwinter Nights 2, Storm of Zehir!
Brink – Security Main Theme
This is the main theme for the Security faction in the video game Brink.
Juiced – Intro Sequence
This is the title sequence from the video game Juiced.
My Brother is a Dog – Finale
This is the ‘happy ever after’ ending from My Brother is a Dog
Colour of Magic Trailer
This is the trailer for Sky One’s wonderful adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s the Colour of Magic